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HomeAanbodKoorAmor-online 13 December 2022

KoorAmor-online 13 December 2022

event KoorAmor-online 13 December 2022

KoorAmor-online offers you the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of an ordinary KoorAmor singing meeting online. KoorAmor stands for accessible and close. Both trained and untrained singers can indulge themselves here. We sing easy to sing along songs from all corners of the world. The atmosphere is sometimes dynamic, then quiet and meditative.

The recording takes place in my 'studio' the Notenboom in Haarlem. We sing in a small choir. I accompany on piano. And we broadcast live, be welcome!

Prijs€ 7,00/ € 10,00
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Met een eenmalig ticket heb je tot 48 uur na het evenement toegang tot de evenementgegevens (zoals video en songteksten). Een permanent ticket geeft je permanent toegang tot de evenementgegevens.