Zingen is de eigenlijke
moedertaal van alle mensen
Yehudi Menuhin

Why voice liberation?
As a voice liberator I guide people who feel restricted and long to sing and communicate freely! Do you want to be encouraged to (re)discover your own voice?
Do you also want to experience how this gives your authenticity space? In my working method I am respectfully close and invite you to make yourself heard through word, sound and song.
The result is that you communicate more and more with pleasure, clearly and successfully.
What does voice liberation do to you?
Your voice is an instrument that subtly shows who you are. More attention and space for your sound brings you closer to your individuality. This is liberating for both yourself and those around you.
Everything that is important comes to light “naturally”. The beauty of this creative approach is that it can be healing and transformative without having to articulate or analyze everything.
You will sing more and more the song of your Soul, this is liberating and makes you a master of the art of your life.