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HomeAanbodMeditatief en wereldliederen zingen in Bloemendaal

Meditatief en wereldliederen zingen in Bloemendaal

event Meditatief en wereldliederen zingen in Bloemendaal

Come and experience how beneficial singing and silence can be...mantras and world songs

For whom? Anyone who is attracted to this is welcome. Both experienced and inexperienced singers can participate and enjoy. The Raphael Church lends itself so well to this meditative singing!

The door is open for you from 2:30 pm

Bring a warm sweater or shawl. In addition to the entrance fee, we ask for a small donation - for those who want this - towards the contribution of the heating costs.

Prijs€ 15,00
Start om
LocatieSt. Raphaëlkerk Popellaan 1, 2061 GS, Bloemendaal
Max aantal deelnemers40
CategorieOpen zangbijeenkomst
Plekken vrij29